Wednesday, December 26, 2007

amazing facts about humans

amazing facts about humas:
months that begin on a sunday will always have a friday the13th.
of all the words in the english languagethe word set has the most definitions.
camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
the six official languages of the united nation are:english,french,arabic,chinese,russian,and spanish.
you are born with 300 bones but by the time u become an adult u only have 206.
finger nails grom nearly four time faster then toenails.
a girafe can clean its ears wid its 2 inch tongue.
most dust particles in ur house are made from dead skin.
the present population of 5 billion peoplesof the world is prieidcted to become 15 billion by 2080.
earth is an only planet not named after GOD.

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