Thursday, December 27, 2007

former pm Benazir has been expired(results)

chairmanof pakistan peoples party Benazir bhutto has been died in suicide attack in pakistan city named the detail it will be cum to know that benazir is in rally which is held at liaquat bagh place today.after the debate when she going bak in her car then after 2 minutes a suicide bomber attack to her back of the car and completely destroy it.hurridely benazir pih in ambulance and take into the central hospital of rawalpindi where she will be in operation theatre but after 2 hours she has been expired.
also 20 peoples killed and 50 becomes injured in that suicide attack.muhterma benazir bhutto was chair person of pakistan peoples will be declared three days mourning foreign secertary david calls for restraint democracy in pakistan.indian pm says he is horrified at this news of trajetory.president musharaf says calm on streets of pakistan.un council to hold emergency after former assination of benazir.french presidentnicholas sarkozy voilence have no place the democracy

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

where writing start??(history) history of writing,how to start writing?what is he history of writing.starting of writing,smart writing

if u r reading this article then u r reading something but someone else has written.but have u ever stopped to think that there has not always been a language? where and when did human first start writing??? for a long time people thought that the practice of writing began in ancient mesopotamia around 300b.c.
this landalong the banks of tigris and euphrates river is what in modren Iraq.earl Mesopotamian writing was found in trade business and farm records which have ledmany to believe for a long time that this is where the written word 1998, a german archaeologist discovered writing at the tomb of king scorpion the irt in abydos,neas luxor in egypt.he says that this writing dates batch to 3400b.c.
A fe hundred years before the earliset known mesopotamian writing.the writing was discovered both in poetry and clay tablets.while niether the ancient egyptian now indus disconeries conclusively prove that one civilization can claim to have invented writing writing develop simolt.

amazing facts about humans

amazing facts about humas:
months that begin on a sunday will always have a friday the13th.
of all the words in the english languagethe word set has the most definitions.
camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
the six official languages of the united nation are:english,french,arabic,chinese,russian,and spanish.
you are born with 300 bones but by the time u become an adult u only have 206.
finger nails grom nearly four time faster then toenails.
a girafe can clean its ears wid its 2 inch tongue.
most dust particles in ur house are made from dead skin.
the present population of 5 billion peoplesof the world is prieidcted to become 15 billion by 2080.
earth is an only planet not named after GOD.

Limousine information box

Limousine information box:
it is an unsually long luxury is traditionalyy black or whitein color.however pink,magneta or blue limos can also beseen.limos r most commonly diven by chauffeurs.limos r symbol of wealthy people.lomuosine word is driven from french region is traditionally extension of large sedan. these are used incelebrating events like wedding,dances and bdays.famous limos manufacturers are Audi,bentley.BMW,cadilac,hummer,infiniti,jagura,lexus,lincoln etc.

original ice hotel

the original ice hotel in swedidh lapland is famous the world over and it still leads the way in offering thecomplete sleeping on ice experience.its hard to put in words the magic of the ice hotel.the swile and looks of awn and wonder on faces of every one who is first to see the can even choose a special marriage proposalholiday wat could be more romantic then arrive at ur ver own ice suite to find ur name carved into an iceblock.along with the word MARRY ME.for theromantic amongst u the ice hotel can be perfect place to gateway.

classic ten movies

classic ten movies:
1)bee movie.
2)american gangster
3)the game plan
4)a walk in clouds
5)dan in real life
7)dragon wars
8)december boys
9)a gud year
10)the man in iron mask.

top five english albums

top five english albums:
1)chris brown(kiss kiss)
2)rihanna(gud gurl gonna bad)
3)britney spears(black out)
4)timbaland(shock vakie)
5)west life(black home)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

israel prime minister says again iran that.....

Israel primeminister says that preparation of ballestic missiale from Iran and uraniam will be still continued.if this wil carry on then iran will be able to prepare atom bomb in 2010. israel always against to the atomic plan of iran.
it is the totally pen sayings by israel prime minister it will be noted that America is on back of israel for that jewish are very free to say anything about any muslim country.
from the newspaper(HAARETZ) of israel prime minister of israel says that we are agreed to make of both countries(israel and palestine) if that day will be come that we just make one country(israel) then we have to face the condition like in south africa that every one can vote and on the day we will give right of vote to every one then that day will be the last day of israel.if we didi not give the right of vote to common peoples then the jewish organisations through out the world who is the most important power of israel will be going to against us and says that we cannot favour that country in which there is not right to common people for vote.

media in cell

A very renowned news channel(GEO) in Pakistan is in cell now a days from the government of pakistan.its so sad to know that now media freedom will be an end in pakistan.from all over the world and from the international organisation of media also says that this is very much harmful for the owner og GEO tv network.although its working on internet fone and at the dish antena but it cannont be see by the viewers of pakistan.
whats u people says about this matter.plzzzzzzzzzz comments on this.

Monday, December 17, 2007

cats attack to the tiger.

it will be come to know that four hungry cats will be attack on a tiger when he is eating foood.this event will be occur in china city nSchen yiang.

fastest flying bird of the world

in state Alaska there is a bird name is Got Wit who is famous to being long flying as compared to all birds. but noone knows how long he can flyto check his cleeping time an equipment is attached to his body scientist have to see that when this bird will start flying and when he stops but they astonished to see thatthis bird continuously flying from 24 hours and did not stop anywhere.he flies 8 dayz continoulslyand dont take break anywhere he cross the medittereanean seaand reached Newzealand.his total record travelling is 7200 miles according to new york times.

end of death punishment through out the world

end of death punishment in world.99 vote against death punishment and finish this whereas 69 counries still carry on and from them china is on the top.
i think that this is the very gud done by 99 countries of the world because it is the extreme of punichment

baggers on internet.

now a days internet is important need.different web site on internet is the source of information and shows the culture of different it will be observe that some baggers are also asking for money through is the most negative point.

Monday, December 10, 2007

melody roads

in OVA valley of Japan there introduced meldoy road.when car moves on that road car engine creats songs sound.but ur car should be on 50mp/h.there is alot of melody points on that now you can enjoy in a new way by travelling on melody roads.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

wis. drivers line up for the gas at 33 cents

An employee closing Trig's Minocqua Shell for the night mistakenly entered the price of a gallon of gasoline as 32.9 cents instead of $3.299 on Monday night.
He left about 10 p.m., but drivers could still use their credit cards to buy gas.
Word of the bargain spread fast in the rural northern Wisconsin community, with 42 people buying 586 gallons of gas in an hour and 45 minutes. One person had pumped 27 gallons and two purchased 18 gallons.
Local police saw the horde at the station and called store manager Andrea Reuland, who went to the station and pushed the emergency stop.
"There were cars two deep at each of my pumps," said Reuland, who knew many of the drivers and told them they were being dishonest — the main store sign had the correct price.
"I was very upset that there's that many dishonest people," she said. "They knew there was a problem, and they took advantage of an employee's mistake and I think that's terrible."
The employee, who has been there for about six months, had changed the gas prices 25 times in the past six months.
"It was an honest mistake," Reuland said. "I could have done it."
Area residents were still talking about it Friday morning.
"Was it you guys?" a woman in the station asked Reuland. "Why do I always miss the good stuff?"

GOD father

God Father is another superrrrrrrrrr movie by bollywood.its directos is Aslam Baig.
hero is Venod Khana.
its sponosered by ARY digital and it is released in LONDON.

unique type of boxing

Thai boxing is national game of Thiland.The unique thing of this boxing is this that in this boxing boxer can used punch as well as kicks too.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

disproved Einstein THEORY OF RELATIVITY

An Indian boy in his 12th standard has disproved Einstein's 'Theory of Relativity'.Shocked? Read on...Sudarshan Reddy has theoretically proven the existence of a sub-atomic particle, which can travel at speed greater than that of light, thereby challenging one of the fundamental postulates of the 'Theory of Relativity'.In his recent research paper submitted to the Institute of Advanced Physics (IAP) at Trieste (Italy), Sudarshan has proved the existence of a class of sub-atomic particles called leptons', which can travel faster than light.The international physics community is shocked by this discovery.Dr.Massimo Martelli, President of the IAP has this to say about the paper submitted by Sudarshan. 'After long, careful and criticalanalysis, I can confidently say that Sudarshan's re search papers show tremendous leap in our understanding of physics. His investigationmounts up on 'leptons'. His work builds substantially on the work of Einstein and others in the field of relativity.'When physicists from Princeton University tried to measure Sudarshan's IQ with an IQ-meter (at the American Embassy in Delhi), the meter broke down.Sudarshan, incidentally, is the brother of Madhu Reddy, the Indian whiz kid who developed an operating system superior to Microsoft Windows.We should all be very proud of these boys

NO SMOKING is a complicated film

NO SMOKING is a very complicated fil by bolly wood industry and it cannot be understand by every one.welll my comments for this that it is the superrrrrrrrrrrrrr one.

tree doing ruku facing kaba

u will cry with laughter

>>[This is a joke that is really funny and it works!] An old lady walked >>into a Grocery Store. She wanted to buy the best dog food in the world for >>her little puppy. She went up to the cash register to buy the food. The >>sales-lady told her that the store did not allow old ladies to buy animal >>food unless they show the actual animal because a lot of old ladies like >>to eat the animal food themselves. So the old lady went home, got her dog >>and went back to the store to buy her dog food. The next day she came back >>to buy the best cat food around But the Saleslady told her the same thing, >>so the old lady went back home and brought her cat to the Grocery Store to >>buy the cat food. The next day the old lady went to the Grocery Store >>again carrying a big container. She went up to the sales lady and said, >>"Put your hand inside here". The Saleslady shook her head. "NO", she said, >>"there is probably something in there that will bite me!" "I promise you >>that there is nothing in here that will bite you". the old lady said. So >>the Saleslady stuck her hand inside the container and screamed. To find >>out what was inside the container you must send this to at least 10 >>people, when it says, your mail has been sent...instead of clicking OK, >>hit ALT-8 and the container will pop up on your screen.

say no to maths

for rhose who worried about whats behing the mc'donalds

McDonald's announced in the 1990's that it changed its frying oilfrom animal fat to vegetable oil for those who are vegetarian.However, it turned out that this information did not turn out to becompletely true French fries are fried slightly in animal fat thenfrozen and shipped to all the McDonald's stores for the final frying.The following information was announced on the Arabic BBC channel:Basically, what they do is they cut the potatoes into slices and thencoat them with a thin layer of lard (pig fat) or cow fat so that whenit is fried it will crunch. Then these fries are shipped toMcDonald's stores in different parts of the world including India andthe Arab countries. McDonald's apologized to the Indians afterreceiving complaints, since a good number of Indians do not eatanything that has ingredients derived from animals. And of course noapology has been made to the Arab countries.So in summary, McDonald's fries are coated with a layer of either cowfat or lard (pig fat which is thicker and cheaper) then shipped toall McDonald's stores over the world, which is then fried invegetable fat.

check ur cell fone is original or not

VERY INTERESTING> >> >Would you like to know if your mobile is original or not ????? Press the > >following on your mobile *#06# and the-international mobile equipment > >identity number appears. Then check the 7th and 8th numbers:> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >1> >> >2> >> >3> >> >4> >> >5> >> >6> >> >7 th> >> >8 th> >> >9> >> >10> >> >11> >> >12> >> >13> >> >14> >> >15> >> >> >Phone serial no.> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >?> >> >?> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >x> >> >IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 02 or 20 this means your cell phone was > >assembled in Emirates which is very Bad quality> >> >IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 13 this means your cell phone was > >assembled in Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and also dangerous for > >your healthIF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 08 or 80 this means your cell > >phone was manufactured in Germany which is fair quality IF the Seventh & > >Eighth digits are 01 or 10 this means your cell phone was manufactured in > >Finland which is very Good> >> >IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 00 this means your cell phone was > >manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality