About 100,000 people die in car(including left hand cars drive) accidents each year. Can we have cars that will sense an impending accident and come to screeching halt before the impact occurs? Well, you will be pleased to learn that one such car, VOLVO S 60, will be launched next month, and other manufacturers are likely to follow. the car is equipped with camera and radar devices that monitor approaching objects and laser systems that accurately determine distances and transmit these to on-board computers. When all cars on roads are equipped in this manner, we will enter in a new era that will be free of road accidents.
In Japan a new smart highway system has already been developed that alerts drivers if they get too near a car in front of them, if there are vehicles converging on to road from a side road, or if the road in front is congested. Known as "Smart way" the system is expected to dramatically reduce road accidents.
Left Hand Car Drive and the right Hand Car Drive will both have equal chance to be accident. But now different projects is under considerations to reduce such dreadful events. The most exciting of such projects under development is aimed to make the car drivers redundant, at least for most of the journey! Known as SARTRE (Safe Road Trains For The Environment), the system is being developed by seven car manufacturers and some European universities. Cars will travel at high speeds in a convoy of eight cars, only one meter apart, with a lead car controlling the convoy's movements by an on-board computer. This will allow drivers to read,sleep or play games as long as their car is within such a convoy. the drivers will be able to resume control when they wish to exit the highway. Cars joining the highway will be able to book their place within one of many such convoys traveling on the highway. It is expected that fuel consumption and emissions will also be cut by 40 per cent by this system