We loved to hate each other in fact, fighting gave us the greatest Pleasure, And seeing the other in pain and misery was our ultimate Aim. Then one day it all stopped. We forgot what it was that make us enemies. We had now turned into the best of Buddies, Soul-mates and Saviors.
This is not about me and my better half. It is about me and my other half my brother. It is bout the relationship and love that only two siblings can experience because they are genetically Speaking, Closer to each other then to anyone else on earth. A sibling is someone you have the license to fight, compete against and even hate. The love you feel comes out through the clash you have, never needing words to be expressed.
At one point in life probably when I was 12 or 13.i honestly did believe that I hate my brother. I clearly remember sitting, fuming after one of our terrible fights and thinking how I hated him and the thought startled me for a moment because I realized he was the only sibling that I had to do make with and if I hated him so much, who would I have left to love? Then I quickly consoled myself that I could not help feeling the way I felt because brother was just too terrible.
We fought over anything and everything, And in every way. Even though he was older And, off course stronger, it never stop me from getting into physical fights with him. And how he would beat me up and how I would howl my heart out, in the hope that my parent would beat him up in return. I really don’t remember him getting beaten up for beating me. But he would get a scolding. And I would not stop crying until felt satisfied that he had been scolded enough; shedding many more crocodile tears until he was thoroughly told off or I was told to shut up.
I was very jealous of him. I really don’t know why. May be because he was the only person I had around me to be jealous of. But it was probably because he was a boy and older. So I was always look out for any real and imaginary potential treatment that he received. My father was always neutral and whenever he did take sides it was mine so that perfectly fine with me. As for mother, she did and still dotes for her son. There I had issues, and still do. but on growing older I did not find way around this whenever, I would ask her to brother and he always got a YES out of her. Even today I make him do this.
Looking back I can see that rivalry between us made our bond stronger and made me do what I would not have strived to do had I not been jealous of him. I got to play all boys sports because if he could play them then I too had to be allowed. so I was climbing trees, flying kites, kicking footballs, playing marbles and just hanging around him when he went our with his buddies-his little sister refused to stay behind. But all this had disadvantages too for he mercilessly used met to doll the fielding and bowling while he only batted. he even force me to play chess with him when I was just 10-he,offcourse,had to tell me what moves would make and to win the game-with the promise of playing with my dolls later Which he never did.
When I complained to my parents that he was not playing with me, they would tell me that boys did not play with dolls. How unfair it seemed and I would never to be misused as a playmate by him again, but the tomboys in me always become a fall guy. in retrospect I have to give it to him fro letting me do whatever I he did. If he did not then I would not have had the condensed that I have to day.
Most of our childhood and adolescence was spent forbidding the other from using or even touching our things. Our precious story books and comics, cassettes and toys were possessively guarded and once we even drew a line dividing the room we had to share for a while. Each was banned from stepping into the others territory and such an offence would be met with a volley of the most colorful of curses.
We basically grew up fighting and competing, getting each other into trouble but always supporting when the others was in trouble for something else. Our parents sometimes did tell us to live like civilized people and explained that siblings were supposed to love one another but it really did not work and we would be left to work things out for ourselves most of the time.
Things did work out and we stop fighting one day - the day we have to live apart when i, at 16, went to a college hostel for two years. Did we miss each other? Oh yes, even the mean and nasty bits! And we have never fought since then, not even once. Then brother went abroad when I was 20.he is still there and rivalry of our childhood is just a cherished, distant memory.